Monthly Archives: March 2024

Avoiding a Default Judgment in Divorce
People today are very busy and at times, it may seem as though there is not enough time to do everything that needs to get done. The divorce process only brings even more to do and many people do not know how proceedings will impact their schedule. Even when going through a divorce, many… Read More »

Is Marriage Counseling Required for a Florida Divorce?
Divorce is never easy and if you have chosen to end your marriage, there are many laws that will govern the process. For example, most couples must enter mediation before litigating their case if they cannot agree to all terms of the divorce. Even when parents do agree to the terms of divorce, they… Read More »

Three Things that Could Put Your Parenting Time at Risk
It is common knowledge that certain factors, such as a gambling addiction or a substance abuse problem, can put their parenting time at risk during a divorce. However, there are other factors that may seem innocent enough that can also put your parenting time in jeopardy. Even something as simple as developing bad habits… Read More »

Five Mistakes to Avoid in Divorce
Even when going through an uncontested divorce, the process is never easy. Your emotions may run high and in some cases, things do not go accordingly. Things are even less likely to go your way if you make mistakes during the process. Unfortunately, these mistakes are all too common during divorce. Below, our Orlando… Read More »