Five Mistakes to Avoid in Divorce

Even when going through an uncontested divorce, the process is never easy. Your emotions may run high and in some cases, things do not go accordingly. Things are even less likely to go your way if you make mistakes during the process. Unfortunately, these mistakes are all too common during divorce. Below, our Orlando divorce lawyer explains the five most common mistakes during the process so you can avoid making them.
Fighting for the Family Home when You Cannot Afford It
All marital property is divided during divorce but the most sentimental asset is often the family home. You may not want to lose the home you raised your children in, or the first place you and your spouse purchased as a couple. However, it is critical to thoroughly evaluate whether keeping the family home is appropriate. You will need to regularly maintain the residence, and pay the mortgage, property taxes, and insurance. Determine if you can realistically afford it before you fight to keep the family home.
Failing to Disclose All Marital Assets
According to the law, you must fully disclose all marital assets and liabilities so they can be divided fairly. If you do not fully disclose all marital property and the court believes this was intentional, you may face serious penalties that in the end, will only hurt your case.
Accepting a Settlement Too Quickly
The divorce process is very difficult, but it can also be lengthy. It is natural to just want the process to be over, but it is a mistake to rush through the process. To make sure that you receive a fair settlement, you must take whatever time is necessary to negotiate and make important decisions.
Making Spiteful Decisions
By the time you and your spouse are going through the divorce process, you may feel spiteful and vengeful towards each other. You may want to use the divorce process to hurt your spouse, especially if you believe they were the reason for the marriage ending. However, it is critical that you keep a calm head and do not make any rash decisions. If you make decisions based on revenge or spite, the court will frown on this and in the long run, it could hurt your case.
Not Adjusting Your Budget
It is no secret that divorce is very costly but afterwards, you will have to adjust to living on one income instead of two. Before your divorce is finalized, you must create a new budget that reflects your needs and the income you will have to meet those needs.
Our Divorce Lawyer in Orlando Will Ensure No Mistakes are Made
If you are considering divorce, it is important to work with an Orlando divorce lawyer that can make sure mistakes are not made during the process. At Anderson & Ferrin, our seasoned attorneys can help you through the process and negotiate with the other side so you obtain the fair settlement you are entitled to. Call us now at 407-412-7041 or contact us online to request a free consultation and to get the information you need.