Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Five Elements To Include In Your Parenting Plan
If you decide to end your marriage and you have children with your spouse, you will have to create a parenting plan. A parenting plan outlines how you will co-parent with your spouse post-divorce and everything included in the plan must reflect the child’s best interests. Ideally, parents can reach an agreement on the… Read More »

Busting Common Mediation Myths
Mediation allows couples going through a divorce to have more control over the process. In most Florida divorce cases, it is also mandatory. During mediation, the spouses meet with a neutral third party mediator to try and come to an agreement outside of the courtroom. Although helpful, mediation is very misunderstood. Below, our Orlando… Read More »

Do You Have To Take A Parenting Course During A Florida Divorce?
If you are going through a divorce that involves children, you will have to attend a parenting course before your case can be finalized. The purpose of the course is to help you co-parent effectively post-divorce and to continue to make good choices for your children. When you are able to do this, the… Read More »

How To Keep The Peace When Getting A Divorce
A divorce will permanently change your life and the prospect of that will undoubtedly bring up many different emotions. Resentment and anger are very common in divorce cases and while you may feel these emotions, allowing them to control the situation will only make the process much more difficult. If you are about to… Read More »

Busting The Biggest Bankruptcy Myths
COVID-19 has hurt businesses and taken the livelihoods of too many people in Orlando, and throughout the entire state, over the past two years. It is no surprise then, that many Floridians are starting to consider bankruptcy as a way to eliminate their debt and get a fresh start. Still, there are a lot… Read More »

How To Minimize Legal Costs During Your Divorce
It is no secret that divorce is expensive. Some of the costs associated with the process are inevitable and there is simply nothing one can do about them. However, there is an area in which you do have some control over the expenses incurred, and that is the legal cost of divorce. Any divorce… Read More »

How To Ensure Success During Mediation
The majority of divorce cases in Florida must first go through mediation before they enter the litigation phase. Mediation is a good time to try and reach an agreement with your spouse about the terms of the divorce. You and your spouse will meet with a mediator, who is a neutral third party that… Read More »

When Is It Time To Consider Bankruptcy?
Deciding to file for bankruptcy is very difficult, but it is just as difficult to realize when you have to at least start considering it as an option. Bankruptcy is a very good way to clean your financial slate and get off to a fresh start. However, there are some drawbacks to the process,… Read More »

What Happens If Your Spouse Dies During Divorce?
Perhaps your spouse had been sick for quite some time and then passed away after the divorce process had started, but was not finalized. Or, maybe your spouse died suddenly, such as if they were in a fatal car accident. Whatever the situation, the death of your spouse will bring on many emotions. It… Read More »

Study Shows Divorcing Parents More Likely To Settle Out Of Court When Working With A Lawyer
A recent study has shown that divorcing parents are more likely to settle child custody cases outside of the courtroom when each side is represented by an attorney. Additionally, when each party works with a lawyer when going through a process, parents are also more likely to share joint custody, referred to as “shared… Read More »