Author Archives: Jay Butchko

When Do You Need Permission To Move With A Child?
Sometimes after a divorce that involves children, one parent wants to move away for employment opportunities, to be closer to family, or simply for a new start. In many cases, parents can move and even take their child with them, but it is not always so straightforward. If you or your former spouse want… Read More »

Things To Know When Separating From Your Spouse In Florida
Florida is one of a handful of states that does not recognize legal separation. You are legally married until your divorce is final, even if you move out of the family home. Some people separate before the divorce process even begins, while others wait until the case is final before they move out. If… Read More »

Can You Discharge Student Loans Through Bankruptcy?
Student loan debt in the United States exceeds one trillion dollars, and that debt is debilitating for many people that are just starting out in their adult lives. For many, the cost becomes too great to bear along with other daily living expenses and costs. It is no surprise then, that so many people… Read More »

When Is Hiring An Expert Useful In A Divorce Case?
There are many aspects of the divorce process the people going through it never expect, and the use of experts is one of them. Experts are not involved with every divorce case but when they are, their knowledge, training, and experience is very useful. When an expert advises on your divorce case, they apply… Read More »

Three Tips For Testifying In Court
The majority of family law cases do not include an extensive amount of witness testimony. Most of the time, the lawyers for each side negotiate child custody, alimony, and other matters, and the matter is settled out of court. Unfortunately, this is not possible all the time. Sometimes, disputes cannot be resolved and a… Read More »

What Are The Benefits Of A Collaborative Divorce?
Many people dream of meeting their true love and getting married, but few anticipate the possibility of divorce. Truthfully, divorce does not have to be a bitter legal battle. A collaborative divorce is just one way in which couples can end their marriage, while maintaining feelings of respect for each other during and after… Read More »

7 Mistakes To Avoid In Your High Asset Divorce
For some married couples, parting ways is not the most difficult part of divorce. Instead, it is dividing up the property that is the most stressful. When a divorce involves one or two parties that have a high net worth or a great deal of assets, this process becomes even more difficult. High asset… Read More »

Will Filing For Bankruptcy Affect My Job?
Bankruptcy provides a fresh start and great financial relief for people that are drowning in debt. Although the law provides this legal option for getting back on your feet financially, it is important to know that not everyone may be supportive of your decision, including your employer. It is not uncommon for people to… Read More »

4 Common Florida Divorce Myths Debunked
Many people have seen divorce cases play out on television and movies, or have read about them in novels. Most people also know at least one person that has gotten a divorce in their life. Due to these second-hand accounts and fictitious storylines, you may have preconceived ideas about the divorce process that are… Read More »

Avoid These Mistakes When Filing For Bankruptcy
When done properly, bankruptcy provides you with a fresh start financially, and it can help you get back on your feet. Unfortunately, there are some common mistakes people make when they file. These errors can result in the court rejecting your bankruptcy petition, and they are expensive to correct. Before you file for bankruptcy,… Read More »