Author Archives: Jay Butchko

How to Ensure Your Premarital Agreement is Valid
Premarital agreements, also commonly referred to as prenuptial agreements, outline how couples will handle financial issues during the marriage, and in the event the two people get divorced. Premarital agreements are final and legally binding. Postnuptial agreements work very similarly, but they are drafted once a couple is already married. Prenups can provide both… Read More »

Can I Ask My Spouse to Pay My Attorney Fees During Divorce?
Everyone knows that divorce can be expensive. Depending on the number of issues and complexities in a case, a divorce can cost a person thousands of dollars in legal fees. The thought of this is enough to make some people consider going through the process without legal representation, or even remain in an unhappy… Read More »

Three Tips to Lower the Cost of Your Divorce
The cost of divorce is one reason why people are sometimes hesitant to file. They are not only worried about what they will lose during the process, but also how much they will have to pay in attorney’s fees and other expenses. Fortunately, while it may not seem as though there is a lot… Read More »

Four Elements To Include In Your Parenting Plan
If you are getting a divorce and you and your spouse have children together, you will both have to create a parenting plan together. Ideally, you and your spouse will agree on the plan but if that is not the case, the court will create the plan. Creating a plan on your own is… Read More »

How Will Bankruptcy Affect You? Here Are Five Ways
Filing bankruptcy can give you a new financial slate that can make it easier to move forward in your life. No longer dragged down by massive debt you cannot afford to repay, it is often a refreshing experience for those who are successful with it. Still, there are many ways bankruptcy will affect your… Read More »

When Should You Date After Divorce?
After ending a marriage, many people want to find love again. While some people may be hesitant to enter the dating world after a divorce, others find the idea quite exciting. While everyone has the right to try and find happiness, it is important to note that when you start dating again could impact… Read More »

What Not To Do Before You File Bankruptcy
Making the decision to file bankruptcy is never easy. Once you have decided to do it, though, you need to give yourself the best chance possible with your case. Unfortunately, there are many mistakes people make that can delay the process, disqualify them, or worse, even have them charged with a criminal offense. Below,… Read More »

What Are Modifications And Enforcements After Divorce?
Once you have gone through a divorce, you are likely very happy to be through the process and have the final paperwork sorted. You are also probably hoping to never have to revisit that part of your life again. Unfortunately, this does not happen all the time. There are situations that can arise and… Read More »

Do You Need A Lawyer For Your Paternity Case?
Contrary to what many people, having your name appear on a child’s birth certificate is not enough to legally establish you as the biological father. Establishing paternity is also not always as easy as filling out some paperwork and submitting it to the hospital. Even when you acknowledge paternity in certain circumstances, it may… Read More »

Four Reasons Mediation May Not Work For Your Dispute
There are many different forms of alternative dispute resolutions when trying to settle your divorce case. Mediation is one of them and in Florida, this is not just an option but it is often mandatory. Mediation holds many benefits for couples. It allows spouses to determine the final terms of their divorce on their… Read More »