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Mediation is Mandatory in Florida Divorce
Family law judges understand that when couples enter mediation to resolve the terms of their divorce, it is far less likely that the case will end up in the courtroom. It is for this reason that in Florida, divorce mediation is not only recommended, it is mandatory. People often have many questions about mediation… Read More »

How to File for Divorce in Orlando
Divorce is a very emotional experience and it is natural to feel overwhelmed. Knowing the legal requirements for divorce in Florida and the steps you will have to take can help relieve some of the stress and make the process easier. Whether you and your spouse agree to an uncontested divorce, or you are… Read More »

Things to Avoid Before You File Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy should only be a last resort but for those who are struggling to pay their bills and other expenses, it can provide a great amount of relief. There are different types of bankruptcy and the steps you take to prepare will depend on whether you are filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy…. Read More »

How Long Do You Have to Be Married to Receive Alimony?
Spousal support, more commonly referred to as alimony, is an important aspect of many divorce cases. Alimony is sometimes awarded when a lower-earning spouse requires financial support after ending their marriage. The higher-earning spouse will then make regular payments to provide that support. There are many guidelines and factors that determine whether a spouse… Read More »

What are the Different Types of Alimony in Florida?
Many people are aware that alimony, also known as spousal support, is awarded after divorce when one spouse requires financial assistance. However, it is a common misconception that alimony is paid indefinitely, or until the recipient remarries. While remarriage can terminate alimony payments, there are different types of alimony. They are all meant to… Read More »

Why is Florida’s Divorce Rate So High?
Year after year, Florida has one of the highest divorce rates in the entire country. In 2021, Florida ranked sixth in the country for the number of people ending their marriages. There are a number of reasons Florida consistently has a higher divorce rate than other states. Below, our Orlando divorce lawyer explains what… Read More »

Steps to Take if an Alimony Recipient Refuses to Look for Work
During a divorce, it is not uncommon for a judge to order one spouse to pay alimony, also known as spousal support, to the other party. This is often the case when one spouse is a higher earner and the other is financially dependent on them. In these instances, lower-earning spouses are awarded alimony… Read More »

Three Important Tips for Parenting Time
When a married couple has children together and then gets a divorce, the court will award each spouse a certain amount of parenting time. The courts will typically aim to award each parent an equal, or nearly equal, amount of parenting time. This is not always possible, though, particularly when one parent has a… Read More »

Three Possible Benefits of Getting a Divorce
No one gets married with the intention of getting a divorce. Most people get married because at the time, they want to be together for the rest of their lives. However, despite the fact that divorce has many negative connotations, there are some potential benefits of ending your marriage. Below, our Orlando divorce lawyer… Read More »

What to Include in a Premarital Agreement
Florida is an equitable distribution state. This means that in the event a couple gets a divorce, marital property is distributed fairly, but this does not necessarily mean equally. Property division issues are some of the most contentious in any divorce, but a premarital agreement can help resolve these issues much more quickly. A… Read More »