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Category Archives: Child Custody Time-Sharing


Terms to Include in Your Parenting Plan

By Anderson & Ferrin |

If you are going through a divorce and you share children with your spouse, you will have to divide parenting duties with your partner. It is critical that you co-parent effectively and to maintain a good working relationship with your spouse. In Florida, the law does not only encourage this, it requires it. You… Read More »

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What are the Best Interests of the Child in Florida?

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Child custody and time-sharing issues are some of the most contentious of all family law issues. Under Florida law, these issues are resolved according to what is in the best interests of the child. There are 20 factors in total family law judges must consider when making decisions about time-sharing. Below, our Orlando child… Read More »

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Understanding ‘Time Sharing’ and ‘Parental Responsibility’ in Florida

By Anderson & Ferrin |

In most situations, when a couple has a child together and then breaks up, it is well known that each parent has the right to spend time with the child. Sometimes, one parent is awarded sole custody but in most cases, judges throughout the country try to uphold the parental rights of each party…. Read More »

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Three Things that Could Put Your Parenting Time at Risk

By Anderson & Ferrin |

It is common knowledge that certain factors, such as a gambling addiction or a substance abuse problem, can put their parenting time at risk during a divorce. However, there are other factors that may seem innocent enough that can also put your parenting time in jeopardy. Even something as simple as developing bad habits… Read More »

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Child Custody FAQs

By Anderson & Ferrin |

If you are in the middle of a child custody dispute, you are likely very worried about the possible outcome. Of all the different types of disputes that can arise within a family, those involving child custody are some of the most emotional and complex. These disputes are also governed by many different laws… Read More »

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Common Mistakes Made in Parenting Plans and How to Avoid Them

By Anderson & Ferrin |

There are many issues you will have to resolve with your spouse throughout the divorce process. If you and your spouse have children together, you will have to make decisions about time-sharing and creating a parenting plan. If you and your spouse cannot make these decisions on your own, you will have to go… Read More »

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Four Elements To Include In Your Parenting Plan

By Anderson & Ferrin |

If you are getting a divorce and you and your spouse have children together, you will both have to create a parenting plan together. Ideally, you and your spouse will agree on the plan but if that is not the case, the court will create the plan. Creating a plan on your own is… Read More »

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Frequently Asked Questions About Time Sharing In Florida

By Anderson & Ferrin |

The Florida Statutes have not referred to parenting time as “child custody” or “visitation” in over a decade. Today, these terms have been replaced with “time sharing” and “parental responsibility.” The change is meant to reflect the fact that, except for in extreme situations, it is in the best interests of any child to… Read More »

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How To Make Co-Parenting Work During The Holidays

By Anderson & Ferrin |

The holidays are officially upon us. For many families, the season is a time to give thanks, enjoy great food, and spend time with family members and friends. If you have recently gotten a divorce, however, these holidays may not be as cheerful as they once were. Navigating the terms of the divorce, such… Read More »

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Mistakes That Could Negatively Impact Your Child Custody Case

By Anderson & Ferrin |

The circumstances that lead to divorce and child custody issues are unique in every case. In the majority of cases, the Florida courts presume that it is in the best interests of the child to spend time as equally as possible with both parents. Still, parents should not use this presumption to assume that… Read More »

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