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Category Archives: Child Custody Time-Sharing


Five Things To Avoid When Fighting For Child Custody

By Anderson & Ferrin |

If you are currently going through a divorce and fighting for child custody, the actions you take now and once the case is over are extremely important. A judge will watch your behavior to determine if you are a fit parent and can raise a child, and your spouse may even look for things… Read More »

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Finding Ways To Co-Parent With Your Ex

By Anderson & Ferrin |

After a divorce or a breakup with your partner, it will often be necessary to co-parent if you share minor children from your relationship. While Florida courts will, in some cases, determine that only one parent should have child custody, the Florida Statutes make clear that it is public policy in the state of… Read More »

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New Study Addresses Gender-Equality Benefits Of Shared Child Custody

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Shared parenting can have many benefits for children after a divorce. Indeed, lawmakers also recognize the benefits of shared parenting, both for children and parents alike. The Florida Statutes make clear that it is the state’s public policy that “each minor child has frequent and continuing contact with both parents after the parents separate… Read More »

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What Should I Look for In An Orlando Child Custody Attorney?

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Going through a divorce is complicated and anxiety-inducing even under the best and most straightforward circumstances. When you have minor children from your marriage, and particularly when you are having difficulty reaching any kind of agreement with your ex, it is critical to have an experienced Orlando child custody & timesharing attorney on your… Read More »

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Can I Seek Sole Custody?

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Whether you are getting ready for a divorce and have minor children from your marriage, or you are ending a long-term relationship from which you have minor children, you should be thinking about critical child custody issues. Many parents in the Orlando area who are anticipating a child custody case want to know more… Read More »

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Co-Parenting During the Pandemic: Tips to Make It Through

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Co-parenting in Central Florida can be complicated even under the best circumstances. To be sure, even when parents in Orlando get along relatively well, the stress of a divorce or a break-up and the need to remain in contact and communication for the sake of the children can be difficult. When parents have a… Read More »

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What Can I Do If My Ex Will Not Stick to the Parenting Plan?

By Anderson & Ferrin |

If you recently went through a divorce or a break-up and you have minor children from your relationship, you are likely now in the process of co-parenting. Under Florida law, parents must have a parenting plan—whether they are able to work together to create the parenting plan themselves based on the best interests of… Read More »

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Planning for Co-Parenting During the Holidays

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Whether you are in the middle of a divorce case or you are considering your options when it comes to asking the court for a modification of the existing time-sharing arrangement, it is important to understand how Florida child custody cases consider co-parenting during the holidays and the steps you can take to make… Read More »

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Child Custody FAQs in Florida

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Child custody in Florida can be extremely complicated, but you can prepare yourself by understanding how Florida law works and how it is likely to apply to your case. In any divorce or separation in which there are minor children from the relationship, it is important to work with an experienced Orlando child custody… Read More »

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Orlando Judge Denies Orange County COVID-19-Related Temporary Custody Request

By Anderson & Ferrin |

If you have concerns about child custody and the possibility of modifying your time-sharing schedule during the coronavirus pandemic, you may have been following the story of Tabatha Sams and Stephen Thilmony, two Florida parents who share custody of their 21-month-old child. Thilmony works as a firefighter and emergency medical technician (EMT). Given Thilmony’s… Read More »

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