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Category Archives: Child Custody Time-Sharing

GAL vs Social Investigators

By Anderson & Ferrin |

GAL vs Social Investigators.  Have you ever wondered what they are or what the difference is? if you are involved in a custody case you may want to think about one of these options. Here is some general information about them. GAL (Guardian Ad Litem) A Guardian Ad Litem is a someone the court… Read More »

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Paternity: Legal or Biological Parent. Which one wins?

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Whether a child is born during a marriage or not makes a difference in how paternity is handled.  the law states that a child born during the marriage is presumed to be a child of the marriage.  Therefore, if the Husband is not the child’s biological father the marital status could trump the biological… Read More »

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Custody and Visitation

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Custody and Visitation Questions? Let our Orlando Custody Attorneys help you understand these terms. We notice that many people are confused when dealing with custody and visitation.  We find that many times people will say they want full custody or sole custody not knowing what that really means.  in Florida, when we discuss custody… Read More »

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Establishing Paternity in Florida

By Anderson & Ferrin |

If you have a child born out of wedlock you should establish paternity for that child.  In Florida, Florida Statute Chapter 742 deals with determining paternity.  Pursuant to Florida Statute 742.011 it states that “[a]ny woman who is pregnant or has a child, any man who has reason to believe that he is the father of a… Read More »

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Denying a Father Time Sharing

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Denying a Father Time Sharing is an on going issue we encounter in this field.  We handle many custody cases that deal with parents who had children out of wedlock.  We are specifically going to address parents with children who are not married in this blog as the facts are different when a couple… Read More »

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Parental Alienation Awareness Day

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Today is the Tenth Annual Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting Awareness Day.  In honor of this even, we are writing about Parental Alienation.  Here is some information that you should know. Parental Alienation can happen by the Mother or the Father and it does actually happen.  However, people do get confused with what… Read More »

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Paternity and Time Sharing in Orlando, Florida

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Here are some things you need to know about Paternity in Orlando, Florida. A person who has a child out of wedlock that wants to address parental responsibility, time sharing or child support would would to file what is called a paternity case.  That does not mean that a DNA test will be done; however,… Read More »

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Parental Relocation with a child.

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Parental Relocation with a child. Am I allowed to move out of state with my child? That is a question we get asked multiple times a day.  F.S. 61.13001 Parental relocation with a child has addressed this issue for us.  F.S. 61.13001(1)(e) has defined relocation as follows: “means a change in the location of the… Read More »

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Parental Alienation

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Parental Alienation does happen.  It can happen to either Mom or Dad. Unfortunately, when parents separate whether married or not and minor children are involved sometimes one parent will act in a way that is not best for the child.  Sometimes, that parent will do things that will in fact constitute parental alienation.  With… Read More »

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Department of Revenue (DOR) Child Support Cases

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Have you been served with a Department of Revenue (DOR) Child Support Case? if so, contact the Orlando Child Support Attorneys Anderson & Ferrin, Attorneys at Law, P.A. to help you.  DOR cases can be tricky for those not familiar with them.  There are several different types of DOR cases.  You can have received… Read More »

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