Category Archives: Divorce

Can I Seek Pet Custody in My Florida Divorce?
While the term “custody” usually gets discussed in a divorce case involving minor children, many people in Florida consider their pets to be important parts of the family. Accordingly, when spouses own a pet together, the prospect of divorce can raise the issue of pet custody. If you do not own a pet, you… Read More »

What is the Difference Between Annulment and Divorce in Florida?
When a person is thinking about divorce, that person might be wondering: do I have the option of choosing between divorce and annulment? To be clear: generally if you are eligible for divorce, you are not eligible for an annulment (and vice versa). We want to say more about common misconceptions about annulment and… Read More »

What to Expect in an Orange County Divorce
After it skyrocketed in the wake of the early 1970s no-fault divorce revolution, the divorce rate has declined 16 percent since 2008. Still, divorce is about twice as common today as it was a generation ago. When it happens, divorce affects more than just the parents and the children. It also affects people like… Read More »
What to Look for When Hiring an Orlando Divorce Attorney.
What to look for when hiring an Orlando Divorce Attorney. If you find yourself in a position where you are thinking about getting a divorce or have been served with divorce papers you maybe wondering what to do now. the first thing I would suggest is to take a deep breath and know that… Read More »
Dependency Exemptions and Child Tax Credit Changes
Dependency Exemptions and Child Tax Credit Changes. How will the new tax bill effect your divorce or custody case when children are involved? This is a good question. There are three main areas that are subject to change. 1. Alimony 2. Itemized Deductions and 3. Dependency Exemptions and Child Tax Credit. We discussed alimony… Read More »
Equitable Distribution in a Divorce
Equitable Distribution in a Divorce If you are have gone through, are currently going through or will in the future go through a divorce this is a term that you have heard or should know about. Equitable Distribution in a divorce has to do with the distribution of marital assets and marital liabilities. Florida… Read More »
Court vs Collaboration
Court vs. Collaboration. Have you heard people talking about handling their divorce through Collaborative law? This is a topic that is becoming more popular these days. Here is some information on the matters. TRADITIONAL COURT With a traditional contested divorce case, you would file your case through the Courts and proceed with litigation. One… Read More »
How the New Tax Bill is going to change Alimony in Florida
You may not have been following the new tax bill but in case you haven’t heard alimony is going to have some big changes coming January 1, 2019. Here is some information that you may find useful. CURRENT ALIMONY LAW In a divorce, someone may receive alimony. Alimony is the amount of money one… Read More »
Unequal Distribution of Marital Assets and/or Liabilities
Are you entitled to an unequal distribution of marital assets and/or liabilities? That is a question that we receive all the time. in Florida, when we discuss dividing both marital assets and liabilities it is traditionally equitably divided which means 50/50. However, a person has the right to ask for an unequal distribution of… Read More »
Hiring the Right Divorce or Family Law Lawyer in the Orlando, Florida area
How do you pick and hire the right divorce or family law attorney in the Orlando, Florida area? It is extremely important when you find yourself in need of hiring a divorce or family law attorney that you do your research first. You can start by looking them up online and reviewing their website…. Read More »