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Category Archives: Divorce


Can I Ask My Spouse to Pay My Attorney Fees During Divorce?

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Everyone knows that divorce can be expensive. Depending on the number of issues and complexities in a case, a divorce can cost a person thousands of dollars in legal fees. The thought of this is enough to make some people consider going through the process without legal representation, or even remain in an unhappy… Read More »

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Three Tips to Lower the Cost of Your Divorce

By Anderson & Ferrin |

The cost of divorce is one reason why people are sometimes hesitant to file. They are not only worried about what they will lose during the process, but also how much they will have to pay in attorney’s fees and other expenses. Fortunately, while it may not seem as though there is a lot… Read More »

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When Should You Date After Divorce?

By Anderson & Ferrin |

After ending a marriage, many people want to find love again. While some people may be hesitant to enter the dating world after a divorce, others find the idea quite exciting. While everyone has the right to try and find happiness, it is important to note that when you start dating again could impact… Read More »

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How Can You Obtain A Modification After Divorce?

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Many decisions are made during the divorce process and once a case is finalized, those decisions are final and legally binding. However, there are times when certain divorce orders must be modified. While modifying divorce orders is sometimes possible, there are strict requirements that must be met before any divorce order is changed. To… Read More »

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Mistakes To Avoid During Divorce

By Anderson & Ferrin |

The divorce process is one that is mentally and emotionally draining. The anxiety and stress associated with divorce causes some people to take certain actions that can complicate and delay the proceedings. This only makes the situation even more difficult. Our Orlando divorce lawyer understands how challenging the process can be, and the common… Read More »

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What Happens If I Divorce The Parent Of My Stepchild?

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Blended families are a blessing for the entire family unit. Unfortunately, the relationship between the biological parent and the stepparent does not always last. When that is the case, stepparents often wonder what will happen to the relationship they have developed with the child, and if they will be able to maintain it in… Read More »

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Are There Benefits To Filing For Divorce First?

By Anderson & Ferrin |

If you are thinking about ending your marriage, you may wonder if it is beneficial to be the one to file for divorce before your spouse. Legally speaking, there is no benefit to filing for divorce first. Florida is a no-fault divorce state. As such, either party can file at any time by stating… Read More »

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What Is The Cheapest Way To Get A Divorce?

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Getting a divorce is hard enough. The fact that it can come at a great financial cost only adds insult to injury. Fortunately, ending your marriage does not have to break the bank. In Orlando, as throughout the rest of Florida, there is more than one way to get a divorce. The cheapest way… Read More »

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Frequently Asked Questions About Gray Divorce

By Anderson & Ferrin |

The idea of divorce is a scary concept for many people. For couples who have been married for several decades, though, the thought of divorce is downright terrifying. The divorce rate among Baby Boomers has tripled since the 1970s, and these cases are often referred to as ‘gray divorces.’ Gray divorces are becoming far… Read More »

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Considering Divorce? Ask Yourself These Four Questions First

By Anderson & Ferrin |

If you are thinking about ending your marriage, you undoubtedly know it will be one of the biggest decisions you ever make. The divorce process is never one that should be rushed and likewise, you should not make this important decision in haste, either. It is critical that you fully consider what your future… Read More »

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