Category Archives: Divorce

Five Elements To Include In Your Parenting Plan
If you decide to end your marriage and you have children with your spouse, you will have to create a parenting plan. A parenting plan outlines how you will co-parent with your spouse post-divorce and everything included in the plan must reflect the child’s best interests. Ideally, parents can reach an agreement on the… Read More »

How To Keep The Peace When Getting A Divorce
A divorce will permanently change your life and the prospect of that will undoubtedly bring up many different emotions. Resentment and anger are very common in divorce cases and while you may feel these emotions, allowing them to control the situation will only make the process much more difficult. If you are about to… Read More »

How To Minimize Legal Costs During Your Divorce
It is no secret that divorce is expensive. Some of the costs associated with the process are inevitable and there is simply nothing one can do about them. However, there is an area in which you do have some control over the expenses incurred, and that is the legal cost of divorce. Any divorce… Read More »

Three Mistakes To Avoid If You Have To Testify In Court
The majority of divorce cases in Florida are resolved through mediation or simple negotiations between the two parties. In these cases, there is no need to testify before a court. Sometimes though, the couple cannot reach an agreement on certain terms and so, they have to enter litigation. During litigation, a judge will make… Read More »

Factors That Could Delay Your Divorce
Although family courts in Florida were allowed to reopen in 2020 after being shuttered for several months, all of them are still dealing with a backlog that was a problem even before the pandemic hit. Due to those court closures and staff shortages, divorces that require litigation or court hearings have seen the biggest… Read More »

Why You Should Consider Joint Custody When Getting A Divorce
Divorce is always a scary thing to go through, and that fear makes people do things they otherwise would not. One of these is fighting for sole custody just to hurt the other party. Unfortunately, this hurts the children involved, too. Divorce is always hardest on the kids, and sometimes, fighting for sole custody… Read More »

Will My Spouse Receive Half Of My Personal Injury Settlement During Divorce?
Family law and personal injury law are two different legal areas, but there are times when they intersect with each other. One of these is when you have received a personal injury settlement, or will receive one shortly, and you are going through a divorce. Personal injury settlements are typically made in lump sum… Read More »

5 Tips For Co-Parenting Successfully
Co-parenting after divorce is sometimes extremely difficult. When former spouses cannot agree and remain civil with each other, it is not only hurtful for them, but for the children, as well. It is crucial that co-parents continue providing a healthy and fostering environment for the kids, but this is something that is often much… Read More »

Five Ways To Keep Your Cool During The Divorce Process
The divorce process is a difficult one for anyone going through it and it is natural to feel sad, angry, betrayed, and frustrated. Perhaps you never thought your marriage could end, or you did not expect it to end in the sudden, bitter way it did. Whatever the reason for your feelings, they can… Read More »

Things To Know When Separating From Your Spouse In Florida
Florida is one of a handful of states that does not recognize legal separation. You are legally married until your divorce is final, even if you move out of the family home. Some people separate before the divorce process even begins, while others wait until the case is final before they move out. If… Read More »