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Category Archives: Divorce


How the Coronavirus Pandemic is Affecting Divorces

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Married couples across the country are sheltering at home with one another, or abiding by stay-home orders that limit their time outside the house. For many spouses in Florida, spending a significant amount of time with one another is putting a strain on the marriage. Whether those married couples were already having problems prior… Read More »

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Things to Consider About “Gray Divorce” and the Elderly

By Anderson & Ferrin |

The term “gray divorce” often conjures images of recently retired couples, or those nearing the age of retirement, making the decision to file for divorce in Orlando. In other words, couples in their 50s and early 60s splitting up with the help of a Florida divorce lawyer. For many of these couples, it is… Read More »

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Reassessing Gray Divorce in 2020

By Anderson & Ferrin |

It is a new decade, and Floridians continue to file for divorce. Many of those Orlando residents are nearing retirement, or have already reached their retirement years. Given the high number of older adults in Orlando and throughout the state, it is important to understand some of the unique issues facing Florida residents in… Read More »

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Divorce in the New Year

By Anderson & Ferrin |

If you are wondering whether to file for divorce in Orlando in the New Year, you are not alone. Although it might seem improbable, many statisticians argue that divorce is a seasonal trend. While people file for divorce during all times of the year, divorce rates actually see a significant uptick during certain points… Read More »

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How Can Electronic Snooping Affect Your Divorce?

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Many couples in Orlando who make the decision to file for divorce do so amicably, but at the same time, many do not. For those married couples who are anticipating an extremely contentious divorce, it can be tempting to try to obtain damaging information about your ex. Such aims are particularly common when one… Read More »

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Florida Divorces and Estate Planning

By Anderson & Ferrin |

What is the relationship between divorce in Orlando and estate planning? Although making changes to your will or updating your beneficiaries on your life insurance policy might not be the first thing on your mind when you are going through a complex and contentious divorce, it is nonetheless important to keep in mind that… Read More »

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Divorce and Child Custody Considerations Around the Holidays

By Anderson & Ferrin |

Are you thinking about filing for divorce, or are you already in the middle of the divorce process? Divorce can be particularly complicated around the holidays, especially when you have minor children from the marriage. Whether you are trying to plan for the holidays with young children in the midst of your divorce, or… Read More »

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Technology, Social Media, and Your Orlando Divorce

By Anderson & Ferrin |

When you are planning to file for divorce in Orlando, it is important to think carefully about how you use social media. Given the high rates at which people embrace social media and regularly post on sites like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, you should not assume that your social media persona is a private… Read More »

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How Prenuptial Agreements Can Impact a Divorce

By Anderson & Ferrin |

If you have a prenuptial agreement (also known as a premarital agreement) and are thinking about filing for divorce, it is important to learn more about how your prenuptial agreement may impact your divorce proceedings. When two people enter into a premarital agreement, they often agree to a variety of terms that will be… Read More »

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Is Divorce “Inherited”?

By Anderson & Ferrin |

For many years, studies have attempted to determine whether divorce might be “inherited,” or to put it another way, whether children with divorced parents are more likely to get divorced themselves. According to a recent article in The Atlantic, kids with divorced parents may be more likely to get divorced themselves, but the research… Read More »

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