Category Archives: Property Division

What if Your Spouse Hides Assets During Divorce?
Divorce is an extremely difficult ordeal and unfortunately, it can bring out the worst in some people. One of the ways this happens is when one spouse tries to hide assets. People hide assets during divorce for many reasons. Sometimes, they simply want to keep funds for themselves while in other cases, they want… Read More »

Who Gets The Furniture In An Orlando Divorce?
Florida is an equitable distribution state, which means that during a divorce a family law judge will divide marital assets and liabilities fairly. This does not necessarily mean marital property is divided equally. Marital assets include many different types of goods acquired by the couple during the marriage, including bank accounts, art collections, and… Read More »

Hidden Assets in a Divorce
When you file for divorce in Florida, or when your spouse files for divorce, one of the major aspects of any divorce case is the division of marital property. To be clear, under Florida law (Chapter 61 of the Florida Statutes), all marital property is divided according to a theory of equitable distribution unless… Read More »

What is Commingled Property in a Florida Divorce?
Property division in any Orlando divorce can be contentious and complicated, particularly when there are assets with high market values or assets that are difficult to value properly. One of the more complicated issues in a Florida divorce when it comes to the distribution of marital property is commingled property. What is commingled property,… Read More »