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Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Orlando Divorce


Going through the divorce process in Orlando, Florida can be stressful and complicated under even the best circumstances. To be sure, even in scenarios where spouses are anticipating an uncontested divorce, it is still important to be aware of common mistakes that parties make in divorce cases. When you know about the types of mistakes that frequently get made during divorces, you can take steps to prevent making those same errors yourself. An article in Forbes discusses some of the most frequent errors people make when they get divorced. The following are some examples of common divorce mistakes that you can acknowledge in order to avoid them.

Trying to Keep the House When It Does Not Make Sense Financially 

Many people feel attached to their homes and do not want to give up a family house, even when it does not make sense to keep the property in terms of finances. Houses can require substantial upkeep, and unexpected expenses can come up. In addition, you must take into account taxes and other costs besides the mortgage. Ultimately, fighting to keep your home could be a big financial mistake.

Making Decisions to Spite Your Spouse 

You should never make decisions in your divorce case out of a desire for revenge or to spite your spouse. These decisions are often made hastily, and they will likely not put you in a good position in the long term. 

Settling Too Quickly Just To Finalize the Divorce 

Settling too quickly, or agreeing to a divorce settlement offer just to get the divorce finalized more quickly, is a very common mistake. While it may sound good to have this legal process finished and to be able to move on with your life, making quick decisions without thinking them through can cost you in the long run. 

Failing to Make a Budget 

When you are making plans for your post-divorce life, you need to think carefully about a budget. Failing to do so can make it difficult to live comfortably when you are no longer sharing bills and liabilities for a household with your spouse. 

Forgetting to Disclose Marital Assets 

Hiding assets is a serious problem in any divorce case. When it comes to disclosing property, you must disclose all assets and liabilities, including property that you think is not subject to division in a divorce. The court will classify property and will determine whether it is subject to distribution. In some cases, parties will fail to disclose assets on purpose in order to hide them so that they will not be distributed. Doing so can result in serious penalties. Yet even failing to disclose assets without bad intentions can make the divorce process more difficult. Make sure you have properly disclosed all assets. 

Learn More By Contacting a Divorce Attorney in Orlando 

If you are thinking about filing for divorce or need assistance handling your current divorce case, one of our experienced Orlando divorce lawyers can discuss your situation with you today. We handle a wide variety of divorce cases in Central Florida, from issues pertaining to the division of marital property to child custody and modifications. Contact Anderson & Ferrin to learn more about our services.




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