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Five Co-Parenting Apps You Should Consider After Your Divorce


Whether you have a difficult relationship with your child’s other parent or believe you will be able to engage in co-parenting with little trouble, it is important to think about how you plan to communicate with the other parent and ensure that both of you have access to necessary information about your kids. As you may know, if you are considering a divorce in Orlando or recently went through one with minor children from your marriage, Florida law typically assumes that both parents will share child custody and time-sharing in some capacity. Indeed, the statute states that it is Florida’s public policy that each child has frequent and continuing contact with both parents after they and to encourage parents to share the rights and responsibilities of childrearing.

Moreover, Florida law takes into account the parents’ willingness to facilitate a close and continuing relationship between the child and the other parent. To be clear, it is important for parents to find ways to communicate with one another and to share information about their children after a divorce. Parenting apps can help with that. An article in Parents magazine discusses some of the best current co-parenting apps. We want to provide you with more information about them and how they could help with co-parenting after your divorce.

  1. WeParent

This co-parenting app has multiple functions. It allows parents to do all of the following through the app:

  • Manage events or appointments for the child;
  • Share documents;
  • Share expenses;
  • Share custody schedules; and
  • Message one another.

The aim of the app is to make co-parenting as easy and stress-free as possible for parents. Its founder has a Ph.D. in psychology. 

  1. Cozi

This app allows parents to share and revise calendars, share to-do lists, and even share photos of their kids. Although it was not specifically designed with co-parenting in mind, it has many features that can be helpful for parents who are both striving for a functional and working relationship with one another and want to be able to share information about their kids. It is also a free app, unlike most of the others available. 

  1. OurFamilyWizard

This app is specifically designed for parents who are struggling with communication. It allows parents to have their own accounts, as well as to add other people like therapists who can communicate through the app. In addition, the app keeps records of communication between the parents, which can be essential for certain court proceedings. 

  1. CustodyConnection

This app is designed for parents who have difficulty “agreeing—and sticking to—a custody schedule.” This app is largely a calendar-based app that allows parents to make “trade requests” with one another for time-sharing. 

  1. 2Houses

This app combines some of the features of WeParent and OurFamilyWizard. Parents can share a wide variety of information with one another, but they can also get access to a mediator if necessary. 

Contact an Orlando Child Custody Lawyer Today 

If you have questions about child custody or time-sharing in Orlando, a compassionate Orlando family attorney at our firm can speak with you today. Contact Anderson & Ferrin to learn more about how we can help with your case.




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