How To Make Co-Parenting Work During The Holidays

The holidays are officially upon us. For many families, the season is a time to give thanks, enjoy great food, and spend time with family members and friends. If you have recently gotten a divorce, however, these holidays may not be as cheerful as they once were. Navigating the terms of the divorce, such as parenting time, can also present additional challenges. Below, our Orlando child custody and time sharing lawyer outlines tips that can make this holiday season easier for you and the whole family.
Have a Written Schedule in Place
If you have recently gotten a divorce and children are involved, your final decree will outline the parenting time schedule. Review this schedule, potentially with your former spouse, if possible, so you understand the terms. If, for some reason, your parenting schedule does not include specific time for the holidays, the schedule for all other times of the year will apply.
If you would like to change the parenting time schedule for the holidays, speak with the other parent to determine if you can agree to certain changes. If you do create a new parenting plan specific to the holidays, there are certain things you should include within it. These include assigning duties to each parent for school drop-offs and pick-ups, dropping the child off at the other parent’s home, and taking the kids to pageants and holiday plays and rehearsals. If you cannot agree with your former spouse, but still want to make changes to the plan, speak to an Orlando child custody and time sharing lawyer.
Keep Negative Emotions Out of It
After a divorce, your emotions will still be running high. Combine that with the holidays, and you may find yourself becoming very emotional at different times. It is important that you try to keep your emotions out of it, particularly when you are spending time with your children. It is difficult to spend time alone during the holidays, but it is critical that your child spends time with both of their parents. Do not speak badly about your former spouse when you are around the kids, and try to ensure that the only emotions you show while spending time with them are good ones.
Stay Positive
You may feel a great deal of stress while spending your first holiday season without your spouse. Still, it is important to remain positive, particularly when spending time with your children. Try to make this time as good as possible for your children and spend your time participating in traditions and making good memories for them instead of lamenting about what you have lost.
Contact a Child Custody and Time Sharing Lawyer in Orlando
The holidays often involve extenuating circumstances and you may need to make changes to your parenting time schedule. When this is the case, it is strongly recommended that you speak to an Orlando child custody and time sharing lawyer. At Anderson & Ferrin, P.A., our Orlando child custody and time sharing lawyer can negotiate with your former spouse to reach an agreement or if necessary, help you take the matter to court. Call us now at 407-412-7041 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.