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Orlando Divorce Lawyer
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I am thinking about filing for divorce. What kind of divorce should I file?

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Hi I’m Victoria Anderson with the offices of Anderson & Ferrin. Are you thinking about filing for a divorce? We can help you with that. There’s two types of divorces, there’s an uncontested and a contested divorce. Uncontested divorces is where the parties have reached an agreement, you guys have talked to each other and you’ve agreed on all the issues that you have, whether it’s time sharing, alimony, dividing the assets and debts, and you need an attorney to draft the paperwork that both of you sign and then we attend the hearing with you. Those cases usually last one to two months on average. It there’s even one issue that you guys do not agree on, that’s a contested case, which is a very different process. Those cases on average last eight months to one year and you go through a different process. We would still be drafting the paperwork for you, we would be there to get the other person served, both of you would have to do discovery, which is where you guys are producing things like tax returns, bank statements, pay stubs and things like that so we can determine what the assets and the debts are. Then everybody would attend mediation to try and settle that case. If we’re unable to settle it at mediation, that’s when we would present your case to the judge for trial. So regardless of whether you need help with an uncontested or a contested divorce, we can help you. We offer free consultations, give us a call. Again, my name is Victoria Anderson with the offices of Anderson & Ferrin and my number is 407-412-7041.

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