Mistakes That Could Negatively Impact Your Child Custody Case

The circumstances that lead to divorce and child custody issues are unique in every case. In the majority of cases, the Florida courts presume that it is in the best interests of the child to spend time as equally as possible with both parents. Still, parents should not use this presumption to assume that they will easily obtain a favorable outcome in any child custody case. There are some actions that can have a very negative impact on a child custody case and below, our Orlando child custody lawyer outlines what these are.
Failing to Meet Your Child’s Needs
Some parents think that making sure their child has food, clothing, and shelter every day meets their needs but in a child custody dispute, all of the child’s needs will be considered. A court will consider how involved you are with your child’s education, healthcare needs, as well as their extracurricular activities. The court will also consider the stability of the home environment and whether there are clear expectations about homework, meals, and more.
Alienating Your Child from the Other Parent
Again, the courts presume that it is in the child’s best interests to have a strong and healthy relationship with both parents. After a divorce or separation, parents are expected to work together and communicate effectively to effectively co-parent the children. Any attempt to alienate the children from the other parent will be viewed very negatively by the courts. Alienation can take many forms but some of the most common include bad-mouthing the other parent in front of the child, making the child feel guilty for spending time with the other parent, limiting contact between the parent and child, and more.
During your custody case and moving forward, it is critical to support the relationship between your child and the other parent. Showing the court that you are supportive and cooperative with your former partner will go a long way in your custody case.
Show Poor Moral Values
There are many factors taken into consideration in child custody cases, and the moral values of both parents are one of them. Generally speaking, parents are considered to have poor moral values if they neglect their child, or suffer from other issues. For example, if one parent has a substance abuse problem, this will work against the parent if the issue negatively impacts the children.
Call Our Child Custody Lawyer in Orlando for Help with Your Case
When you have a child custody dispute, there is a lot at stake. At Anderson & Ferrin, P.A., our Orlando child custody lawyers know this and we are dedicated to helping parents achieve the best possible outcome in their case. We will review your case free of charge, advise you of your legal options, and prepare you for every step of the process. Call us now at 407-412-7041 or connect with us online to schedule a meeting with one of our knowledgeable attorneys and to learn more about how we can help.