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Orlando Bankruptcy & Divorce Lawyer

Financial hardship is often a significant factor in the fracturing of a marriage, leaving many couples facing unmanageable debt at the same time they decide to seek a divorce. This leaves them arguing over how to divide debt, when a better solution may be to file for bankruptcy.

The Orlando bankruptcy & divorce lawyers at Anderson & Ferrin, Attorneys at Law, P.A., have extensive experience advocating for individuals in both bankruptcy and family law. We have a clear understanding of how one impacts the other, and why tackling them in a certain order makes good sense.

Couples who failed to seek legal counsel from a law firm that is properly equipped to handle both bankruptcy and divorce issues have spent thousands of dollars on attorney’s fees haggling over how to split liabilities when bankruptcy could have discharged the bulk of their debt completely.

Answering The Tough Questions About Divorce And Debt

We focus on putting our family law clients in the best possible financial situation to begin their post-divorce lives. An important advantage of filing bankruptcy before you divorce is resolving all questions about how your debts will be handled.

It’s important to remember that debts incurred jointly during your marriage are the responsibility of both parties. If you divorce and your former spouse agrees to pay half of your $15,000 credit card debt, but then fails to do so, the bank will seek full payment from you no matter what your divorce settlement states.

If a former spouse files bankruptcy following divorce, the other spouse could be liable for the full amount of the joint debt regardless of who agreed to pay.

Divorce comes with enough tension and uncertainty. You don’t need to be battered with harassing phone calls and emails from banks and other creditors. When you file bankruptcy, all collection efforts must stop.

Our Orlando divorce and bankruptcy lawyers welcome the opportunity to answer your questions during a free, no-obligation consultation. Call us or use our contact form to schedule an appointment.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

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