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Orlando Uncontested Divorce Lawyer

Saving Time With An Uncontested Divorce

Divorce can be emotionally draining and expensive, but if spouses come to an agreement, it can be resolved without the stress of going to court.

At Anderson & Ferrin, you will personally meet with an attorney and review what you would like to achieve from the divorce. We will then create a custom-tailored marital settlement agreement that will encompass all the issues that exist in your case, from property settlement and alimony to child support and time sharing. This agreement will be entered into before any case is filed with the court.

Once executed by you and your spouse, your marital settlement agreement (along with your petition for divorce) will be filed with the court. On average, individuals filing an uncontested divorce can expect to receive a final judgment and be divorced in as little as 30 to 45 days from the date the case is filed with the court. This option is more affordable, less stressful, and can have you divorced in a much shorter time than a contested divorce.

Is This Option Right For You?

Uncontested divorce is only an option if both parties are in agreement with all issues such as child support, custody, and division of property. If this is not the case, an uncontested divorce may not be the right choice for you.

Do I Need a Lawyer if My Divorced is Uncontested?

Even though you are divorcing, it’s great that you and your partner have agreed on an amicable split and with to complete the process outside of court. However, the decisions you make in your marital settlement agreement, once accepted by the court and incorporated into the final judgment of divorce, become binding and enforceable court orders that dictate many important aspects of your life for years to come, not the least of which is how you share custody and exercise parental responsibility regarding your children. Changing these orders requires going back to court and will only be allowed if circumstances have significantly changed. It’s very important, therefore, to have an experienced Orlando divorce lawyer advise you on your rights and help you negotiate an agreement that is right for you and your kids.

Another way our family law attorneys can help is by keeping you on track creating the marital settlement agreement in your uncontested divorce. While you and your spouse may agree at first in general terms, there are many details that need to be ironed out, and divorcing spouses often find the process to be more frustrating and complicated than they thought it would be. The lawyers at Anderson & Ferrin can help keep the process moving forward and keep an uncontested divorce from turning contested simply due to unchecked emotions or misunderstandings about the law and Florida divorce process.

When is a Simplified Dissolution of Marriage Available?

Florida law provides for a Simplified Dissolution of Marriage process that takes about a month to complete from the date the petition is filed. In order to avail yourself of this process, all of the following criteria must be met:

  • Both spouses agree to use the Simplified process
  • The spouses are in complete agreement on the property division and all the terms of the divorce, including the grounds that the marriage is irretrievably broken
  • Neither spouse is seeking spousal support
  • The couple do not have any dependent children
  • The wife is not currently pregnant

If you have to make custody decisions or wish to include spousal support in the divorce, then the Simplified Dissolution is not available. However, you can still have an uncontested divorce even if you can’t use the Simplified Dissolution of Marriage. So long as you both agree on the terms of the divorce, you can work out an agreement together. Our Orlando family law attorneys will help you get there, including guiding you through mediation if necessary.

Let Us Help You Chart Your Course Today

Victoria Anderson, Michael Ferrin and the staff at Anderson & Ferrin, Attorneys at Law, are experienced and qualified to handle any family law issue that you may come across. If you are contemplating filing for divorce, we can help you find the path that is the best fit for you and your family. Call our offices at 407-412-7041 or contact us by email today for a free consultation and speak directly with an attorney.

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