Steps to Prepare for Divorce

Planning for divorce can be complicated, especially if you are trying to make divorce plans before you separate from your spouse. When individuals in Orlando are in particularly harmful relationships and they are worried about how the other spouse will respond to news of an Orlando divorce filing, it can be extremely helpful to make plans for your divorce well in advance of filing a petition for the dissolution of marriage. This is particularly true if you are concerned that your spouse may attempt to hide assets, or will not treat you fairly in divorce negotiations.
We have collated some information from NerdWallet and Forbes concerning important things to do before your divorce. The following are steps you can take to help prepare in advance for your divorce.
- Get Your Own Bank Account
One of the first steps you can take to begin separating yourself from your spouse is to open a separate bank account if you currently share a joint checking account. Opening a new bank account in your name alone can help you to begin the process of budgeting your own money, and it can also help you to save funds for your divorce.
- Open a Post Office Box for Mail
If you are planning to file for divorce, you should have a separate place to receive mail—particularly if you are meeting with lawyers, estate planners, and other people who may be sending you hard copies of documents or materials in the mail. Having a post office box can give you the privacy you need without worrying about your spouse having access to your documents.
- Be Careful on Social Media
If you use social media, you should begin thinking about how you are portrayed on social media. You may even want to consider closing your social media accounts, or at least preventing other people from tagging you in images or posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other platforms. Information about you that appears on social media may come up in your divorce, and your spouse could try to use images or posts against you when it comes to a property settlement or child custody.
- Photocopy All Relevant Financial Documents
Once a divorce is filed there are several ways in which we can gather financial information during the discovery process of your case. But, in the event you believe your spouse may hide information or otherwise make the process more difficult, you should gather and photocopy (or scan with your phone) all of these materials before you begin divorce proceedings. Documents that you should copy include bank account statements, retirement account statements, investment account statements, tax returns from the last several years, documents pertaining to any major purchases (including those purchased on credit, such as a motor vehicle or a boat), pay stubs, and materials relating to any major marital assets and debts.
- Plan a Budget
As soon as possible, you should begin tracking your expenses and considering what kind of budget you will need once your divorce is finalized. You should begin speaking with an attorney about your options for obtaining attorney’s fees in your divorce case, and spousal support if necessary.
Contact an Orlando Divorce Lawyer
If you have questions about preparing for divorce, an Orlando divorce attorney at our firm can assist you. Contact Anderson & Ferrin today to learn more about how we can help.