Things To Know When Separating From Your Spouse In Florida

Florida is one of a handful of states that does not recognize legal separation. You are legally married until your divorce is final, even if you move out of the family home. Some people separate before the divorce process even begins, while others wait until the case is final before they move out. If you are going to separate from your spouse, physically if not legally, it is important to recognize that this will be an adjustment, and to properly prepare. Below are some tips that can help you do it.
Consider Your Options
Some marriages break down long before one party files for divorce and by the time they do, they are so anxious to get out of the situation that they do not consider all of their options. Even if things have already turned resentful between you and your spouse, you should consider the possibility of one or both of you remaining in the family home. If you want them to leave, you should consider how they may react to that. If you want to move, you must think about where you will go, how far away you will move from the family home, and if it is near a school, if you have children.
Prepare Yourself Financially
Your financial situation will change entirely when you get a divorce. You may have to start living off one salary instead of two and this is particularly difficult for those that remained at home during the marriage to raise the children and take care of the home. Although the divorce process is an emotional one, it is important to put your emotions aside and think about your future practically. Create a budget that includes the cost of moving out and into another home, legal costs, as well as your daily expenses. Now is also the time to start thinking about financial obligations you will have after the divorce, such as alimony or child support.
Do Not Move Out Too Soon
Moving out of the family home does not necessarily mean you will relinquish it during the divorce process, but doing so does sometimes comes with risks. If your spouse has resentful feelings towards you and they and the children remain in the home, your spouse may withhold visitation from you. If you have children and want to move out of the family home, it is important to have a visitation schedule in writing so you do not end up in a legal dispute. You may also lose access to the marital home.
Our Divorce Lawyer in Orlando Can Advise on All Aspects of Your Case
If you are going through a divorce, our Orlando divorce lawyer at Anderson & Ferrin, P.A. can advise on all aspects of your case so your rights are always protected. Call us today at 407-412-7041 or fill out our online form to schedule a free consultation and to learn more about how we can give you the best chance of a possible outcome in your case.