Three Things that Could Put Your Parenting Time at Risk

It is common knowledge that certain factors, such as a gambling addiction or a substance abuse problem, can put their parenting time at risk during a divorce. However, there are other factors that may seem innocent enough that can also put your parenting time in jeopardy. Even something as simple as developing bad habits after a divorce can negatively impact the amount of time you get to spend with your children.
If you have already ended your marriage, or you have just started thinking about divorce, spending as much time with your children as possible is likely a priority. Below, our Orlando child custody and time-sharing lawyer explains how to avoid a problem in the future.
Not Being On Time for Pick-Ups and Drop-Offs
After a judge issues an order regarding parenting time, it is critical that you comply with the terms within the order. This includes making sure you are on time when picking your child up or dropping them off. It may not be possible to always be on time for these meetings, but it is important that you do not make it a habit. It is also important that you do not use these tactics to get back at your former spouse if they upset you.
A judge may consider these actions a violation of the time-sharing order issued by the court, and that comes with serious consequences. You may even be placed in contempt of court. It can also have the opposite effect and result in being awarded less time with your children.
Ignoring Calls and Texts
While you may not want to speak to your former spouse once the divorce is final, there are times when you may have to. This is particularly true when it comes to your children’s well-being. If you regularly ignore calls and texts from your former spouse and they pertain to your children or their needs, this will work against you. Your spouse could petition the court and have the current time-sharing order modified.
You also should not refuse to allow your children to speak to your former spouse for a reasonable amount of time during your time with them. The courts will view this as parental alienation, which is a very serious matter.
Linking Child Support to Parenting Time
If your former spouse has not been providing your fair share of parenting time, you may be tempted to withhold child support payments. It is critical that you do not do this. The only way to change child support payments is to formally petition the court to change the existing order. If you withhold child support and the other parent petitions the court to enforce the order, you could face serious consequences instead of them.
Our Child Custody Lawyer in Orlando Can Help with Parenting Time Disputes
If you have a dispute with your former spouse about parenting time, our Orlando child custody lawyer can help. At Anderson & Ferrin, P.A., we can advise on the facts of your case and recommend a course of action that will give you the best possible outcome. Call us now at 407-412-7041 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and to learn more.