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Orlando Divorce Lawyer
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What to Look for When Hiring an Orlando Divorce Attorney.

What to look for when hiring an Orlando Divorce Attorney.

If you find yourself in a position where you are thinking about getting a divorce or have been served with divorce papers you maybe wondering what to do now.  the first thing I would suggest is to take a deep breath and know that it will be okay.

The second thing to do is call an Orlando Divorce Attorney to speak about your case. When speaking with an attorney there are a few things that we always suggest you talk to them.

  1. How long have they been practicing?  You want an attorney that is experienced.
  2. How long has their office been open?  You want an attorney that has an established office.
  3. How many trials have they done?  You want an attorney that has sufficient trial experience so that if your case does not settle you will be properly represented at trial.

In addition, to the questions above you want to also make sure you speak with them about the cost.  it doesn’t matter who you are or how much you have cost is always a factor that needs to be considered.

Our Orlando Divorce Attorneys Michael Ferrin and Victoria Anderson have been practicing for over 10 years.  Our law practice has been open and established since 2009. We always have your best interest in mind and try to settle every case that we get but not every case is able to be settled.  With that said, we have an extensive amount of trial experience and are here to help you and your family.

Call our office today or click here to set up your free consultation.

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