Why is the Divorce Rate in Florida So High?

At 13 percent, Florida has one of the highest divorce rates in the United States. This fact is nothing new. The divorce rate in Florida has been relatively the same, and one of the highest in the country, over the past decade. So, why are people so much more likely to end their marriage in the Sunshine State than anywhere else in the country? Below, our Orlando divorce lawyer outlines some possible reasons.
The Lifestyle
The gorgeous weather and relaxed lifestyle in the Sunshine State makes it very easy for couples to want to get married. Unfortunately, it can also make it harder to make a marriage last. Couples may find it easier to find separate interests and drift apart. The relaxed lifestyle also makes it seem more acceptable for couples to get divorced, even if their traditional values are against ending a marriage.
The Laws in the State
The only ways to get a divorce in Florida are to base it on no-fault grounds or grounds of mental incapacity. The vast majority of divorce cases filed are based on no-fault grounds, which can make it easier for a couple to get a divorce. During a no-fault divorce, neither spouse must prove the other party is at fault for the end of the marriage. The spouse who files must only state that the marriage is irretrievably broken.
The no-fault laws can make it easier for couples to get divorced. They allow people to get a divorce even if their spouse does not consent, or if they cannot locate their spouse. Additionally, a spouse who feels as though they do not have fault grounds can file for divorce even if they simply feel that they have grown apart from their spouse.
The Low Cost of Living
Florida does not have a state income tax, which greatly lowers the cost of living for many people. It is no secret that getting a divorce can be expensive, which is something that keeps many people from officially dissolving their marriage. With the low cost of living in Florida, though, more couples find it relatively affordable to get a divorce.
The Aging Population
Many people assume that when an older couple has been married for many decades, the marriage will last forever. Sadly, this is not true. Gray divorces are those that involve spouses who are aged 50 and over, and they are becoming more common today. With so much of Florida’s population aging, it is another reason why the divorce rate in the state is so high.
Our Divorce Lawyer in Orlando Can Help with Your Case
There are many reasons the divorce rate is so high in Florida, but that certainly does not make ending any marriage easier. At Anderson & Ferrin, P.A., our Orlando divorce lawyers can provide the legal advice you need and help you through this difficult time so you have the best chance of a favorable outcome. Call us now at 407-412-7041 or contact us online to request a free consultation and to learn more.