Your Child Support Questions, Answered

In Orlando, as throughout the rest of Florida, all parents are expected to support their children financially until they turn 18 years old or graduate high school. The obligation is not terminated in the event that the two parents get a divorce. During a divorce, parents can agree to a fair amount of child support, or a judge may order it. It is not uncommon for some parents to become concerned that they will have to pay child support once the divorce is final, or for some to worry that they will not receive a fair amount.
If you have children and are getting a divorce, you likely have many questions. Below, our Orlando child support lawyer outlines some of the most common questions asked, and the answers to them.
Can You Change the Amount of Child Support Payments?
The amount of child support ordered during a divorce may not be practical several years down the road. When this happens, it is possible to change the amount of child support payments. To change the amount of child support payments, you must prove that your financial situation has significantly changed and you must ask the court to change the amount of support. You cannot change the amount of child support you pay or receive without a new court order.
Can I Pay Less Child Support if I Spend More Time with My Child?
It depends. In most situations, the obligation to pay child support only changes if you spend 20 percent or more overnight visits with the child. You must also show that you pay more for the child’s shelter, food, clothing, and other basic needs, and that these additional expenses warrant a lower child support amount.
Should I Ask for a Receipt for Child Support Payments?
You never know what actions your spouse will take in the future, or if they will accuse you of refusing to pay child support out of spite. To prevent a future dispute, it is always a good idea to ask for a receipt of your payments, and the receipts should indicate that the payment was for child support.
Will Child Support Payments Come Off My Paycheck?
Generally speaking, child support payments are only garnished from your paycheck if you refuse to pay. In order for this to happen, your former spouse must request that the family court enforces the order. Garnishing your wages is just one tool the court has to make sure child support is paid. Otherwise, you can generally pay the support however you wish, as long as you continue to make all payments on time.
How Can a Child Support Lawyer in Orlando Help?
There are many ways an Orlando child support lawyer can help with your case. At Anderson & Ferrin, P.A., our seasoned attorney can help you secure the amount you deserve, defend against demands for unfair amounts, and help you modify the order in the future, if necessary. Call us today at 407-412-7041 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.